During this time when all group gatherings have been postponed due to the COVID-19, take advantage of a special opportunity for spiritual growth from Renewal Ministries whose mission is Catholic Renewal and Evangelization. Free of charge, they are offering their 7-part video series, "As By A New Pentecost". These are a great teachings about life in the spirit, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and growth in the spirit that can by viewed at home. There is a wealth of wisdom shared in these presentations that all would benefit from. The Lord has given us the gift of time; may we use it wisely.

March 27, 2020
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
We at Renewal Ministries want to do all we can to help strengthen your faith during this Lenten season.
More than ever before, this is a time when we need to be listening to the Lord, to hear his voice,
and to discern how we can best respond in love to all He asks of us today.
Calling upon the Holy Spirit, our great Advocate, is a beautiful way to help us grab hold of the grace
the Lord is making available to us right now, which will help us to respond in love and hear God's voice
even amid the additional challenges each of us is now facing.
As By A New Pentecost is a set of seven talks produced by Renewal Ministries for Life in the Spirit Seminars.
In the past, it has been offered for sale as a DVD
set or as downloads on our Vimeo channel. Today we are
announcing that on Monday, March 30, at 12:00 p.m. ET, all seven talks will be available for viewing free
on Renewal Ministries' YouTube channel!
You can view our YouTube homepage here.
Perfect for viewing individually or as a family, these talks are an ideal companion for Lent and will
help you experience a New Pentecost in your own home! Teachings given by Ralph Martin, Patti Mansfield,
Sr. Ann Shields, Dave Mangan, and Peter Herbeck will inspire and challenge you to pray with new fervor,
"Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth!"
Thank you for allowing us to journey with you through this Lenten season,
Ralph Martin
Renewal Ministries, P.O. Box 1426, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
If the Lord has cleared away the social distancing obstacles, we will have our annual retreat in August. We will update this website with timely retreat information as it becomes available.

The Santa Clara Convention Center is being setup by Federal Medical Station as a temporary hospital of 250 beds to care for those who have less severe COVID-19
or other hospital needs. We have not been told that we cannot use the SCCC, but it is very likely that the temporary hospital will be still there in May.
Because there might be a forced cancelation and given that there was so much uncertainty right now, we decided that it is better to cancel the convention this year.
We will plan to hold the convention next year with the same theme and maybe
the same speakers. The 33rd convention will be May 28, 29 and 30, 2021.
For those who preregistered, we will contact you.
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal National Service Committee is calling on Catholic Charismatics
to join a covid-19 prayer campaign.
"Not only that, but we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5
I write this message of hope to you brothers and sisters in the Charismatic Renewal of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. The Covid-19 Pandemic that has resulted in the death of many in our world has indeed affected and impacted everyone directly or indirectly. In moments like this our faith, hope and trust in Christ could be put to test. Many people may be wondering and are tempted to ask, "God why this pandemic?" It is not really a time to ask the "why" questions but the "what" should we do?
As priests, we are aware of the sadness, fear and frustration of many of you in the renewal as a result of this situation. Many of you have told me how you fear that the Covid-19 has impacted the foundation and core of your Catholic belief, making it impossible for you to attend your weekly prayer meetings and daily masses. Families may have been turned apart, lives lost, and the future can be changed forever when a friend, relative, loved one, fellow renewal member, or even a complete stranger is lost as a result of this situation. The question we should me concern now will be: "What can we do about it?"
We can either sink down into despair or rise up in hope. Our Christian faith compels us to choose hope. As St. Paul says, "Hope does not disappoint." Ultimately, hope gives us the strength to choose life over death and to work for that day when this pandemic is behind us. The Church, that is, the people who believe in the power and love of Jesus Christ - you and I - are called by God to give both hope and life. We must not be afraid to offer the healing power of prayer and the support of our community of faith as we confront this challenging evil of our time and place.
In moments like this, let us adhere to all the precaution that have been given to us to stay safe and join our individual and collective prayer for the healing of our world and an end to this pandemic. Even when we can't attend public masses, opportunities are there to participate in mass stream online. Let us see a positive side to this situation as the Holy Father suggest, that families should see their time together as a way to bind the family together in love.
In another occasion, while praying the Pope said: "I am thinking of the families under lockdown, children who aren't going to school, parents who cannot leave the house, some who are in quarantine,"… "May the Lord help them discover new ways, new expressions of love, of living together in this new situation,". In addition, he said: "It is a wonderful occasion for rediscovering true affection with creativity in the family. Let us pray for families so that relationships in the family at this time always thrive for the good."
In this challenging time therefore, let the words of St. Teresa of Avila be a source of encouragement for us "Let nothing disturb you, nothing frightens you, all things are passing, God is unchanging. Patience gains all; nothing is lacking to those who have God: God alone is sufficient." God alone indeed sufficient. we will overcome.
Let me conclude with this act of Hope is widely attributed to St. Augustine. Let us turn to it, that we might grow in hope for the only thing we truly need: For your mercies' sake, O Lord my God, tell me what you are to me. Say to my soul: "I am your salvation." So, speak that I may hear, O Lord; my heart is listening; open it that it may hear you, and say to my soul: "I am your salvation." After hearing this word, may I come in haste to take hold of you. Hide not your face from me. Let me see your face even if I die, lest I die with longing to see it. The house of my soul is too small to receive you; let it be enlarged by you. It is all in ruins; do you repair it. There are things in it - I confess, and I know - that must offend your sight. But who shall cleanse it? Or to what others besides you shall I cry out? From my secret sins cleanse me, O Lord, and from those of others spare your servant. Amen.
God bless you and your family.
Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
Parochial Vicar, St. Paul of the Shipwreck
San Francisco, CA
We perceive that God's vision1 for the Charismatic Catholic Renewal in the Diocese of Oakland is to respond to the call that we are the portion of that Body of Christ2 which God has chosen3 to display His power4 through the mature exercise of the Charismatic Gifts of the Holy Spirit5 as they glorify Jesus.6Therefore, our goal, in order to accomplish this, is to increasingly become a people of praise,7 by providing environments wherein we can learn to praise8 God and obey the Holy Spirit in the ministry of these Charismatic Gifts.9
This narrow statement of purpose is possible because of our faith and trust in God that He has raised up the other ministries that are needed to bring the members of the Body of Christ to full maturity.10
1. Habakkuk 2:2 2. 1 Cor. 12:12-25 3. John 15:16 4. Eph. 2:10 |
5. 1 Cor. 12:8-10 Mark 16:17-18 6. John 16:13-14 7. Hebrews 13:15 8: Hebrews 10:24-25 |
9. 1 Cor. 14:40 Romans 1:5 10. 1 Cor. 12:27-31 Eph. 4:11-13 |
Receive the Holy Spirit
by Pat Mullins
[Rest in Peace]
And the purpose of it all was that the blessing of Abraham should in Jesus Christ be extended to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith. Galatians 3:14
Then He (Jesus) breathed on them, saying, "receive the Holy Spirit!" John 20:22
Scripture says, "The first man, Adam, became an animate being, whereas the last Adam has become a life-giving spirit. Observe, the spiritual does not come first, the animal body comes first, and then the spiritual. The first man was made of the dust of the earth; the second man is from heaven." 1 Cor. 15:45-47
... and by water that first world was destroyed, the water of the deluge. 2 Peter 3:6
Have you forgotten that when we were baptized into union with Christ Jesus we were baptized into His death? By baptism we were buried with Him and lay dead..., We know that the man we once were has been crucified with Christ, for the destruction of the sinful self,... Romans 6:3-4a, 6a
When anyone is united to Christ, there is a new world, the old order has gone, and a new order has already begun. 2 Cor. 5:17
But God, rich in mercy, for the great love He bore us, brought us to life with Christ even when we were dead in our sins; it is by His grace you are saved. And in union with Christ Jesus he raised us up and enthroned us with Him in the heavenly realms, .... Eph. 2:4-6
All I can say is this: forgetting what is behind me, and reaching out for that which lies ahead, I press toward the goal to win the prize which is God's call to the life above, in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:13b-14
Our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom faith depends from start to finish: ... Heb. 12:2a
St. Jerome is quoted as saying that "Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ", and this was proclaimed again at the II Vatican Council. One of the very precious gifts the Holy Spirit has given us in the Charismatic Renewal is a hunger and love for the Scripture. As Catholics we grew up in an environment of rich tradition, and for too many years we thought that experiencing Jesus in the tradition was all that was needed for our spiritual growth. Then, all to often, as difficulty entered into our lives we discovered we were trying to live a life we really did not know or understand. Our Christianity was vicarious, and the absence of the "living Word" of Christ in our hearts and minds led many to abandon their faith in search of something "real".
Today is not that much different than in the days when the Bible was compiled, there are just new names for the same old temptations to live independent of God. There is still the drive to find meaning for life, or "who I am", or why I am as I am, or how to become what I am not, or whatever. The answer for each one of us still lies in the mystery of God becoming the God of our life, and being enthroned in our hearts as both Savior and Lord. From the beginning God has sought to reveal His great love for all of His creation, and the nature of Adam (we call it original sin) has wanted to do it without God. The Biblical story of creation seeks to reveal these opposite natures to us in the rich symbols and events of the Garden of Eden story. There is the nature of love - caring for the other more than self; and the nature of pride (independence from God) - caring for self more that the others. God is Love, and Satan is Pride personified. The Scriptures reveal God in His nature and Satan in his nature so that we might be able to see, discern, and choose. True love is not possible without freedom to choose; there was the ability to choose love, but mankind chose self.
In order to understand a tiny bit of this awesome choice, perhaps we can look for a moment at the parable Jesus tells of the prodigal son in the Gospel of Luke. The son knew he was a son, knew he would have an inheritance when his father died, and made some choices. The choice we are looking at now is the one where the son chose not to care how the father may have felt, because he cared more for what he wanted than for what the father may have wanted. That is selfishness and in scripture in called "pride". The Father wanted to let the son be free to choose to love or reject him, so he let him have his way; he cared more for the son than for himself. That is love. Our Father God wants to provide for us an experience of life and love that will make us know that we are loved, special, important, and He has a perfect plan to cause that to happen. The secret plan is the Holy Spirit.
Think for a moment about this example. Consider that all of our life we were aware that there were vehicles that could make traveling easier, a car. But we had always walked to where we wanted to go, or perhaps, better yet, we should say that we had pushed, or pulled, a wheelbarrow with us wherever we wanted to go. Then one day some person who we know loves us said to us; "Here is a brand new car for you. I will pay for all the fuel and maintenance for as long as you live, and it belongs to you exclusively. I will never ask for it back. All you have to do is receive it, learn to respond to how it operates, and get in and let it become your power to move you through your life. But you can't bring your wheelbarrow! Leave your wheelbarrow here, and I will bury it forever, and you will be free to enjoy what life is really about." (Our wheelbarrow represents our past, hurts, resentments, and failures, along with our plans for what we think will make us happy and satisfied in our future.) God's whole plan of salvation for us hinges upon our receiving God the Holy Spirit into our lives to guide and control our path into real life. Jesus did all that he did for that single reason.
We cannot do it ourselves. We must receive the Holy Spirit, learn to respond to the power of God that lives within each of us, and in faith and trust in the love of our Father, obey. This is why we are urged, exhorted, and commanded to know the Scriptures. Jesus is the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit must be the person to reveal Jesus. Almost immediately after the Ascension of our Lord, the Holy Spirit began to reveal to the Apostles how precisely the Lord Jesus had lived in accord with the Scriptures in the Old Testament, and how the life they were to live "in Christ Jesus" was also going to be in accord with the Holy Spirit revealing His will through the Sacred Scriptures. Time and time again they were to be reminded by the Holy Spirit of the Word of God as guidance for their actions in teaching and forming the Body of believers. The record we know as the Acts of the Apostles, for example, is rich with the occurrences of the Holy Spirit using the Sacred Scriptures to guide, encourage, and correct them in their work of teaching and preaching Jesus. Another example is the writings of St. Paul which reveal to us two primary issues: first, why God, in Jesus, did what He did, in the way He did it; and second, how Jesus will live His life in a believer who is continually being filled with the Holy Spirit. These great themes of St. Paul are so important that they comprise about one third of the entire New Testament!
Our life is a person, Jesus. He is revealed in Scripture by the Holy Spirit. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Holy Spirit is not going to customize Jesus to fit our plan, the Holy Spirit needs to customize our lives to reveal the beauty of Jesus to the world in which we live every day. The same Jesus lives today to love, heal, and set the captives free. The Holy Spirit is still searching for those persons that will say yes, yeild to the Holy Spirit as the power and grace of God, and live their lives in union with Christ Jesus every moment of every day. Only God can do it, God the Holy Spirit. We received Him first at Baptism, received again at Confirmation, received again each time we consume the Eucharist, and God waits for us to give back to Him our life so He can begin to shape it into the image of Jesus His only Son.
Do we dare to pray in the words given by St, Ignatius: "Take Lord, receive, all my liberty, my memory, understanding, my entire will... You have given all to me, now I return it ...All is Yours now, dispose of it wholly according to Your will." I trust you God, my Father, Jesus, God my Savior, great God the Holy Spirit, I thank You for Your love and grace that will carry me through so You are always pleased with my life. In Jesus' name and power and person, Amen.